Machu Picchu and the hiking trails in the Cusco Andes

Tourist observing the Inca citadel of Machu Picchu Tourist observing the Inca citadel of Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu is one of the best attractions in the world because it allows you to make different types of trips and have new experiences. Probably the best known is the train trip, however, there are more options such as hiking trails. In this blog we will learn more about these routes and the different options or varieties they have. All these routes allow a tour of the Cusco Andes and also an entry to the high jungle. Geographical site where the wonder of the world, Machu Picchu, is located. Join us to learn more about these routes, especially if you are looking for information or more important data about these impressive routes.

How are the trekking routes to Machu Picchu?

Traveling the trails of the Inca Trail Traveling the trails of the Inca Trail

The trekking routes to Machu Picchu are a real adventure in the Cusco Andes. Something special about this route is that it allows you to hike along ancient roads and trails traced by the ancient inhabitants of the Cusco Andes. In addition to crossing part of the Andes, it connects with the Amazon. The high jungle offers a warm space and a great variety of biodiversity throughout the sector, which is the reason why the whole place was declared a Historic and Natural Sanctuary of Machu Picchu.

When hiking the trails you can go through some of these places and with a lot of luck find some of the species and animals of Machu Picchu. Many people recorded the presence of bears, manatees, deer near or even among the constructions of the Inca citadel. Also, during the routes you can find some other birds. Some people were fortunate enough to see the emblematic cock of the rock in its natural state. You can also observe many more varieties of birds and animals along the different routes that can be traveled to Machu Picchu.

Normally the trekking routes to Machu Picchu start in Cusco. In Cusco you can find different tourism and travel agencies. They usually take care of all the itinerary, services and more to achieve any of the trekking routes. However, you can also do them on your own. Especially those that follow the Salkantay route and even the most extreme routes such as Choquequirao. In case you wish to do any of the routes on your own, it is important that you have experience in this type of activities.

An important factor to take into account when hiking these routes to Machu Picchu is that you must be properly acclimatized. Some of these trails reach up to 5,000 meters above sea level. In this sense it is recommended that people who decide to do these activities to reach Machu Picchu, have a couple of days in Cusco to acclimatize properly. Failure to do so may cause certain problems and discomfort when approaching those altitudes and even ruin your trip.

Finally mention that the trekking routes to Machu Picchu, are mostly long. The average number of days is 4 days of activities in intimate contact with nature. When doing long treks in the Andes or the Peruvian Amazon, you must spend the night in tents. Likewise, the food for the day should normally be prepared on the route. If you travel with an agency, these details will be covered. In case you travel on your own, remember to have a space in your backpack for food. It will also be necessary to have a backpack that allows you to easily and safely add the camping tent and even other additives such as water.

The main options for trekking to Machu Picchu

Choquequirao archaeological site Choquequirao archaeological site

The main options to get to Machu Picchu, doing trekking routes, vary during the beginning of the route. Some will start north of Cusco and others just along the same paths traced by the Inca urban planners. Here is a brief list of the main options of the trekking routes and also their particularities. Are you ready?

  • The Inca Trail route

    It is the hiking route par excellence. This is because it allows a tour of several Inca constructions and, in addition, to follow strictly, the Inca Trail or Qhapac Ñam. That is to say, the routes and paths traced and perfected by the same Inca planners. The route can be done in 4 days, but there is also the option of 2 days. It covers different geographical areas and the panoramic views of the place are really amazing. Probably its disadvantage is that it only has limited capacity, which is why it usually runs out of availability in a short time.

  • The Salkantay or Salkantay Trek route

    It is one of the most requested options by tourists. In addition, it is quite popular. There are several tourists who dare to do it. This is because it is an excellent option due to the limited availability of the Inca Trail route. This route also allows you to appreciate one of the most beautiful natural destinations in Cusco, the Humantay Lagoon. After arriving at this natural wonder, you must continue to the Salkantay pass. This place allows beautiful views, but be careful with the cold and the conditions of the place. After that, follow the road until you reach Lucmabamba and then to Hidroeléctrica.

    This point will coincide with the economic route. From Hidroeléctrica, you must follow a walk of about 2 hours to reach Machu Picchu Pueblo. In this place, it is recommended to spend the night and the next day from the early hours, start with the trip to Machu Picchu. The tour of Machu Picchu will always be better with the company of a guide. They have all the information and data necessary for visitors to better appreciate all the magnificence of Machu Picchu. The Salkantay Trek, has options of 4 and 5 days.

  • Choquequirao Trek

    This is probably the most complicated route. This route involves a visit to Machu Picchu’s sacred sister: Choquequirao. The complete route to reach both destinations can be done in seven days or more of arduous trekking. Although the last days will coincide with the Lucmabamba route, passing through Hidroeléctrica. These sections are relatively easier. This in comparison to the walking route that follows the Choquequirao Trek. If you are looking for a real challenge in the Peruvian Andes and the high jungle of Cusco, dare to do this trekking route through a little visited place with unforgettable landscapes.

  • Lares Trek on the way to Machu Picchu

    It is the trekking route to Machu Picchu, which allows a tour of some of the high Andean communities of the Cusco district of Lares. In addition, the hike starts from a place far away from Cusco. This allows you to appreciate more of the expansion of the Sacred Valley of the Incas and at the same time understand how some communities managed to maintain the essence and customs of more than five hundred years ago. If you want to meet more people, new experiences and make a cultural exchange before reaching Machu Picchu, the Lares Trek is one of the best alternatives to learn more about the Andean world.

An adequate acclimatization process

Remember to have a proper acclimatization process. Especially for trekking routes. The discomfort caused by the altitude is quite annoying and often ruins the travel experience of tourists. In Cusco you can find several activities and destinations. All of them, easy to reach and without the need to make great efforts as in a trekking route. The coca leaf is a good option to help the body to acclimatize.

How to purchase the trekking routes?

Tourist touring the archaeological site of Machu Picchu Tourist touring the archaeological site of Machu Picchu

To do some of these routes, you only have to contact a travel agency. However, remember that there are all kinds and some have better services than others and even offer more guarantee and security in the whole experience. That is why you should confirm all the services offered in order not to have a bad experience or unnecessary delays that usually occur in informal agencies. In this sense, it will be important to contact the service of an authorized agency, especially if it is the Inca Trail route to Machu Picchu.

On the other hand, in case you want to make the trip on your own, it is important to know that people who decide to do this, will have to make the different transportation and ticket reservations themselves. This is actually not very complicated, most of the services can be purchased virtually. However, you may encounter some problems with transportation, food and lodging. In the case of the latter two, it will be important that you plan well the amounts of food and camping you will use.

Finally, you can not make the route to Machu Picchu without having the reservation of the entrance ticket to Machu Picchu. remember that this requirement will be indispensable. There are some who wish to make the reservation of this ticket, once arrived in Aguas Calientes or Machu Picchu Pueblo. It is a good option, but you should keep in mind that you may find many people queuing up for the same thing. Virtual reservations are secure and through these, you can avoid queues or the worry of finding a ticket to Machu Picchu.

Likewise, you can make several investigations about the route and everything you need before making the trip by a trekking route. In case you are not an expert in trekking routes of several days, you can choose to start the routes to Machu Picchu with the help of a travel agency. Likewise, it is important to be in good physical condition, especially to enjoy the activity and not feel it as a punishment. Doing the trekking routes to Machu Picchu can change your life even before you start trekking in Cusco.