Machu Picchu in high season How is the experience?

Tourists waiting for the sunrise in Machu Picchu

The most popular trips in Peru involve visits to Machu Picchu. These trips usually do not have many surprises as long as you have planned the trip well. For different reasons, the high season leaves out many people. This is because tourists arrive en masse. Most of the visitors come for the most favorable weather conditions. Others also relate it to vacations in other countries. The high season refers to the massive visits to Machu Picchu, everything will start from April, extending until the first days of December. In this blog, we will learn more about the high season in Machu Picchu and how is the experience you have when making this trip.

High season details

Tourists visiting Machu Picchu in high season
Tourists visiting Machu Picchu in high season

The high season in Machu Picchu is formed precisely because the visits increase considerably compared to other dates. That is, you can find all services crowded and with little availability. Therefore, it is important to be properly informed about the high season in Machu Picchu.

The high season also coincides with the presence of the dry season. In all of southern Peru, the rainy season ends precisely at the end of April. In this sense, April would represent the beginning of the dry season and the high season.

The climatic conditions of Cusco are quite peculiar, the rains can be present throughout the year. However, they will have much more presence during the months of November to April. During all these months it is likely to get soaked, even in the city tours.

That is why the main reason for the high season to have such a presence is precisely to coincide with the dry season. Thus having an ideal and propitious trip for all the adventures that Cusco offers.

During the first travel excursions, many believed that it rains all year round in Cusco, that it is not a good destination to visit, that the activities are dangerous and even that they can be left halfway. All this, because of the presence of the rains. But the rains generate a more mystical tourism.

Here we do not want to say that the rains are bad, but that they were the main reason why the high season was formed. Otherwise, we are sure that tourists would dare to come all year round. The evidence is not many, but there are those who dare to do it. They make the trips during the rainy season, hoping to be surprised by the mystique of Machu Picchu because of the fog.

Precisely because they can find a calmer tourism, beautiful and green landscapes throughout the region and also beautiful rainbows. All this, normally, appears after the arduous rains. Cusco and the surrounding valleys are the ideal places to appreciate the rainbows that come out and can have a great variety of colors. Now that we know more about the high season, we will be able to know more about the dates and the most important thing, the reservations.

Changes in the entrance tickets to Machu Picchu?

It seems that the Ministry of Culture is trying to make some changes that will allow other tours in Machu Picchu. From June 2024, probably, new circuits and new tickets will start to be sold officially. We will be attentive to these changes. Here are the new circuits:

  • Panoramic Circuit, will have 4 entrances with hikes for incredible views.
  • Inca Citadel Circuit, will have 2 types of tickets to see the entire citadel.
  • Royalty Circuit, you will find 4 entrances with different routes such as Huayna Picchu.

Machu Picchu high season dates and how to book?

Visiting the main temple of Machu Picchu
Visiting the main temple of Machu Picchu

The high season will start in April, as we have already seen. However, reservations can be made as early as December of the previous year. In other words, if you are planning to travel during the month of April 2025, you can make your reservation as early as December 2024.

It is important to know this or have this information because reservations will sell out even if, following the example, you try to make the reservation during the month of February or March. Otherwise, it is recommended to check the availability status well in advance and frequently to see the changes.

In this sense, it is recommended to make your reservation about three months in advance. Only in this way, you will be able to access the dates you plan to travel. In addition, you have to be attentive and constantly update the availability.

When does the high season start? This is a difficult question to answer precisely. Sometimes the high season is early and sometimes it is late. It usually starts during the first weeks of April and may extend until the end of October or the first weeks of November.

How to make the reservation for the entrance tickets to Machu Picchu? The truth is that it is very simple to do and you only need to have internet and a credit or debit card, both must accept the online purchase. In case your credit or debit card does not accept the purchase, it is recommended to talk directly with the bank that provides you with the card in question. Sometimes it only requires activation through the bank’s application.

Is it better to make the trip to Machu Picchu on your own or with an agency? This will depend entirely on the tourist and the experience he/she wishes to have. The positive thing about doing the trip with a travel agency is that you can only worry about having the best possible experience. In other words, they will take care of everything you need for the trip.

What do I need for my trip to Machu Picchu? The essentials for the trip to Machu Picchu, we will see in the following list:

  • Entrance ticket to Machu Picchu (book 3 months in advance).
  • Train ticket, it can include the bimodal service or the trip from Ollantaytambo. It is recommended to make a round trip reservation.
  • Transportation ticket in the ecological buses to the access area of Machu Picchu.
  • A tour guide for the tour of Machu Picchu.
  • You can make the return trip on foot, but you can also do it in the ecological buses.
  • If you plan to stay more days in Aguas Calientes or Machu Picchu Pueblo it is important to have a hotel reserved.

Which tickets sell out the fastest?

The classic tickets with the highest demand are the Llaqta Machu Picchu and Machu Picchu + Huayna Picchu. Normally these tickets are sold out 3 months before the date. Other tickets that sell out are those for the 4-day Inca Trail. This trekking route is quite popular worldwide and recognized as one of the best treks in the world.

Advantages of the high season in Machu Picchu Picchu

Traveler taking a selfie in Machu Picchu
Traveler taking a selfie in Machu Picchu

The advantages of travel in high season are related to the good weather. But there are other advantages, let’s see it.

  • By the end of April the rains usually stop completely. This provides clearer skies.
  • The busiest months are between the months of June, July and August.
  • It is possible to find various types of services in both Cusco and Machu Picchu Pueblo.
  • Prices can vary from the cheapest possible to the most expensive.
  • Option to get to know new cultures. Machu Picchu and Cusco congregate many people from various parts of the world.
  • You can take the opportunity to do the hiking trails normally.
  • It is possible to make the routes to other destinations. So it is recommended to organize several activities in Cusco.
  • Natural destinations such as Laguna Humantay and Montaña de Colores are visited normally.
  • You can observe beautiful panoramic landscapes.
  • You can have quiet walks through the streets of Cusco without worrying about the rains.
  • The main advantage will be the option to do several activities in Cusco. Organize them.

Disadvantages of doing Machu Picchu

Tourists in the Wonder of the World
Tourists in the Wonder of the World

The disadvantages of visiting Machu Picchu can be related to the entrance fees. The tickets, as already mentioned, are usually sold out even months in advance.

  • If you have not booked it is likely that you will not find an entrance ticket to Machu Picchu.
  • During the high season the availabilities are exhausted, in this sense the visits to Machu Picchu are multitudinous.
  • All services to Machu Picchu may be full.
  • During the month of June, in Cusco, you may not be able to find a hotel, so take precautions and make a reservation.
  • It is important, if possible, to make reservations in most of the services you require such as lodging, restaurants and transportation.
  • Although the days are quite warm, temperatures can drop at night.
  • You will not enjoy the Cusco festivities that take place in June.

How is the experience of visiting Machu Picchu in high season?

Machu Picchu Inca Citadel in high season
Machu Picchu Inca Citadel in high season

The most important thing to make the trip to Machu Picchu is to have the entrance ticket. Without it we can not even talk about a travel experience. Normally all travelers arrive in Cusco by air travel. This is a way to save time, but the trips themselves can have an extra cost, especially during the month of June.

In Cusco you can find a great variety of hotels and restaurants. So you don’t have to worry too much about that aspect. What you should be aware of is the availability of hotels. Sometimes, the massive visits can overrun the availability of even the most expensive hotels.

Otherwise, it is normal to find quite a lot of people, both in the waiting room of the train stations. The trip in the tourist trains, will respect the seat since these are numbered and personal. During the train ride, you can appreciate part of the Vilcanota River and also the beautiful landscapes that connect the Andes with the high jungle.

Once in Machu Picchu Pueblo it is likely to have queues. This will occur to board the buses to the access area to the archaeological center. Do not worry too much, because these buses do not have a fixed schedule and start their run once the bus is full. The buses only allow the number of passengers to be equal to the number of seats. No one can travel standing.

The tour of the Inca citadel will be quite congested. This is normal, but thanks to the circuits we can have a good flow through the different constructions of Machu Picchu. The return, will be similar, we will find many people at the train station, but fortunately the trips will be comfortable and respecting the schedules.