Machu Picchu – Everything you need to visit the Wonder of the World

Machu Picchu wonder of the world

Machu Picchu is once again receiving more and more visitors. However, for some, the arrival to this magical place can be confusing and complicated. This is because the location of Machu Picchu requires an extra trip from Cusco. In this sense, the most important thing will be to get to Cusco. We know that many people from outside Peru may be confused, thinking that Machu Picchu is very close to Cusco. However, it requires a 5 hour trip. The trip can be done by train or a combined trip of a stretch to Ollantaytambo by bus and continue the rest of the trip by train to Machu Picchu Town. A place where you will already be close to the wonder of the world Machu Picchu.

Entering Peru requires certain documentation, just as when visiting any other country. Likewise, it is possible to find ease of entry for some countries while for others it will be necessary to process the required documents. As this is an informative blog, we only want to point out some general aspects. The specific ones can be quite complicated to deal with and we could confuse the public. For them, it would be advisable to contact directly the Peruvian Migration website, the Peruvian Consulate or the Peruvian Embassies abroad. For the time being, let us know more information about travel to Peru by foreign citizens as tourists.

  • Citizens or tourists coming from Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, and Paraguay may enter Peru carrying only their physical identity documents.
  • In case your nationality or country of origin is not specified in the previous case, you will need to apply for a tourist visa.
  • They must also carry a passport valid for at least 6 months.
  • Some countries do not require a tourist visa, but a passport valid for 6 months. These are some of the countries: Spain and Central American countries except Cuba, Haiti, El Salvador, and Nicaragua.
  • In the case of Mexican tourists, they do not need to apply for a tourist or business visa. They can enter Peru carrying their passport (possible change).
  • For those applying for a tourist visa, the time allowed is 90 days. However, for people coming from Chile and Brazil, it can be extended up to 180 days.
  • Here are some other countries that do not require a tourist visa to enter Peru. But you will have to show your passport. The countries are Republic of South Africa, Israel, Iraq, Arab Emirates, Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Thailand, Germany, Austria, Andorra, United Kingdom, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Poland, Netherlands, Serbia, Portugal, Austria, New Zealand and other countries in the world.
  • El listado completo se encuentra en la página web del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores del Perú.

To enter the list and the corresponding attention to obtain the tourist visa. You can do it virtually by requesting an appointment to the e-mail “”. In this email, you must indicate your first and last names, date of birth, passport number, and telephone or cell phone number. Remember to also indicate your nationality and telephone code for effective communication. Also, make them 30 days in advance before your flight or trip to Peru. The requirements are:

  • Tourist visa application form to enter Peru.
  • Passport. Remember that it must be valid for at least 6 months, counting the date of your arrival.
  • Bank statement.
  • Certificate of domicile of the dwelling.
  • Certificate of criminal record.
  • Ticket or flight ticket.
  • Hotel reservations.
  • The cost of the procedure is 30 euros.
  • If you have any doubts or need more detailed information, please visit the web page of the Peruvian Consulate or write to “”.

After the tedious paperwork to start the trip to Peru, if and when you feel the need to do so, it will be time to make the reservations to enter Machu Picchu. Fortunately, all this is now less complicated.

Tourists taking the classic photo at Machu Picchu Tourists taking the classic photo at Machu Picchu

To date, there are 5 types of entrance to Machu Picchu in a traditional or normal experience. Two other tickets include treks of 4 or 2 days for the memorable and beautiful Inca Trail. Thus, it can be understood that there are 7 entrance tickets to Machu Picchu. Although the last two options we mentioned are usually more directly for those who like or want to do trekking routes. Now let’s know a little about these entrance tickets.

  • Llaqta of Machu Picchu – This is the most popular ticket and therefore sells out in less time. The tour with this ticket is done following Circuit 1 or 2. These circuits allow access to Machu Picchu through the upper platforms and take the classic postcard photo. The main constructions such as the Temple of the Sun, the Temple of the 3 windows, and other buildings that have the imperial finishes are also toured. However, the tour is limited to the citadel without the possibility of making small hiking trails into the mountains surrounding the Llaqta of Machu Picchu.
  • Circuit 4 and ascent to Huayna Picchu – The ascent of Huayna Picchu or Waynapicchu, is another of the most requested activities by tourists. In case you are looking to make the ascent to this mountain, we recommend you make the reservation at least 3 months in advance. The route of this ticket allows you to make the Circuit 3, in this sense, you enter through the part of the platforms to the Llaqta of Machu Picchu, you can see the Temple of the Sun and the Main Square. Further on and passing by the Sacred Rock, the entrance to Huayna Picchu begins. There, more Inca constructions are a real challenge to gravity. The views from the top are unparalleled.
  • Machu Picchu Mountain and Circuit 3 – This is one of the variants that were created by the abundant request and desire of visitors to climb the Huayna Picchu mountain. This ticket allows the ascent to the highest mountain of the place. So you have to follow an ascending trail for 1 hour and 30 minutes. The view from this place allows us to appreciate more places than just Machu Picchu. It is possible to contemplate all the geography of the place and at the same time to understand the special link that the Inca constructions had with nature or the environment.
  • Circuit 4 and tour to Huchuy Picchu – As we have already seen, Circuit 4 allows us to appreciate the main constructions of the Llaqta of Machu Picchu. As with the entrance to Huayna Picchu, the tour will reach the Sacred Rock. This is because you have to follow a small hiking trail to the top of Huchuy Picchu. One of the smallest mountains of the place, but like other mountains it allows beautiful views of all Machu Picchu. Some theories suggest that this place was linked to the small pyramid where the Intihuatana is located.
  • Inca Bridge Tour and Circuit 1 or 2 – This is one of the options that many leave aside. In that sense, if you don’t get the entrance you want, this is one of the options you can have. The tour to the Inca Bridge is not as long as the other options, but it allows you to follow trails built by the Incas. It also has panoramic and beautiful views of the entire Llaqta of Machu Picchu. So it is an excellent option especially if you had planned to purchase the entrance ticket of Llaqta Machu Picchu, this because it follows the same circuits.

About Inca Trail tickets

Two options can be followed. The first is the 4-day option, which is also known as the Classic Inca Trail. You can also find a shorter version that is only done in 2 days. However, from the first day, you already reach Machu Picchu and you can contemplate a beautiful sunset. Both tickets are exclusive and it is recommended that people with a lot of interest in trekking routes acquire them. It is also advisable to contact an authorized tourist agency on the route.

View of the Cathedral in the Main Square de Armas of Cusco View of the Cathedral in the Main Square de Armas of Cusco

Before starting with the details to get to Cusco, it is important to highlight the importance of virtuality and how beneficial it can be. In the case of entrance tickets to Machu Picchu, reservations can be made virtually, even 4 or more months in advance. Likewise, it is possible to make reservations with travel agencies that facilitate the travel experience because they take care of all the logistics required to make the trip enjoyable. In addition, they at the request of the tourist, can plan various activities to make the travel experience completely enriching.

There are several means of transportation to get to Cusco, as always the fastest way to get there is by plane. Some international flights will connect directly to Cusco, some of these flights come from Chile, Bolivia, and Argentina. Other flights will arrive in Lima, especially those in the northern hemisphere and flights from Europe. Fortunately, the flight time from Lima to Cusco is only 1 hour and 30 minutes.

Of course, there is also a way to travel by bus, there are different types of services for this. Unfortunately, the travel time is 20 hours. Something that can be for some a waste of time. Also, from many places in Peru, you can get to Cusco, either by plane or by bus. The important thing will be to take into account the travel time and from what time the activities of the trip will begin.

Travel by train to Machu Picchu Travel by train to Machu Picchu

Once in Cusco, there are different ways and alternatives to get to Machu Picchu. Among these will highlight the presence of train travel and also the hiking trails. Choosing one of them will depend strictly on the tourists and the type of experience they want for their trip. Normally divided into ways to get to Machu Picchu from Cusco. Below, we will detail them:

  • Bus trip or economy option – This option requires a trip by bus or minivan or indeed any other vehicle to Hidroeléctrica. Normally some agencies make the trip by minivan for several people. The route that follows this option is through the high jungle of Cusco. That is to say, when you arrive in Ollantaytambo you continue the trip by the road that connects to Quillabamba, but before arriving there, precisely in the district of Santa Maria, you make a small detour. That is to say, from Santa Maria, you follow another road to get to Santa Teresa and from there to Hidroeléctrica. It is from this point where you hike for less than 3 hours. This option requires 2 days. However, it is still a very economical option. On the second day, you make the trek to Machu Picchu.
  • Travel by train – It is the best known option and certainly the traditional way to visit Machu Picchu. That is why there are different train travel options. It is possible to find luxury trips and some similar options. Likewise, some tickets are somewhat cheaper, if we compare them. Currently, two companies are in charge of making these trips. One of them is PeruRail and the other is Inca Rail. Both companies handle similar prices so finding a difference as such, can be complicated. As for the comfort of the trip and the services they offer, they are quite similar, even in price. Probably the main difference is in the schedules. This service to get to Machu Picchu can also be done to return.
  • Hiking trails to Machu Picchu – Another option to reach Machu Picchu is the hiking trails. Being an adventure option, it requires physical effort and a link of several days with nature. They spend the night in camps at the heights of Cusco and then go deep into the Cusco jungle. Some of these options allow a tour of the Inca Trails and allow you to visit several Inca archaeological sites. You can also follow routes through high mountains and even combine trekking with other adventures. In the end, all trails will lead to Machu Picchu.