Economic Tours Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu can be visited with luxury travel, 5-star hotels, luxurious trains, private guides, and more. However, the Inca citadel can also be visited most economically by choosing the least expensive trains, a group tour guide, and more. The most popular inexpensive tours in Machu Picchu are the Machu Picchu Economic Tour for 2 days, the Machu Picchu Tour for 1 day by train The Voyager, and the Machu Picchu Tour for 1 day by train Expedition.

Precio: 257 USD

Machu Picchu 1 day tour by Expedition train

Machu Picchu 1 day tour in Expedition train service. Includes professional guide all the tour. The best entrance to Machu Picchu. 100% safe tour.
Machu Picchu 1 day tour by Expedition train

Precio: 147 USD

Machu Picchu Economic Tour 2 days

The Machu Picchu Economic 2 days tour follows the Hydroelectric route. It includes transportation, guide, food, hotel and entrance fees.
Machu Picchu Economic Tour 2 days

Precio: 260 USD

Tour Machu Picchu 1 day by train The Voyager

1-day tour to Machu Picchu on The Voyager train service includes pick up, entrance fees, guide, bus, Inca Rail tourist train ride, and more.
Tour Machu Picchu 1 day by train The Voyager

This is the tour Machu Picchu by Expedition Train

The Expedition tourist train is the most economical service for foreign tourists of Peru Rail. The tour with this train starts in Cusco with the pickup and transfer to the station. Then you will travel by train to the town of Aguas Calientes. The tour also includes the final bus to Machu Picchu and the entrance to the Inca citadel (circuit 2, the most recommended).

The three most economical trains on the trip to Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu is one of the best tourist destinations in the world. Different types of trains lead to the Inca citadel. The most economical is the local train, although this service is only allowed for Peruvians. For foreigners, the most economical services are the Expedition trains of Peru Rail and The Voyager of Inca Rail. Learn more!

  • Peru Rail’s local train – The local train is the social service dedicated to transporting daily the people living near Machu Picchu who need transportation to the route. Additionally, Peruvian visitors who buy their ticket in person and three to seven days in advance can travel on this train whose fare is very economical (about $ 4 per section).
  • Peru Rail Expedition Train – The Expedition train is the most economical service dedicated to Peruvian or foreign tourists offered by Peru Rail. Being a foreign service, this train includes comfortable seats, tables, large windows to appreciate the best landscapes, a beautifully decorated carriage, luggage space, as well as on-board service with snacks and drinks.
  • The Voyager train of Inca Rail – The Voyager train of Inca Rail is a service dedicated to Peruvian or foreign tourists of Inca Rail. This is a tourist service, that is, no one travels standing up, all in comfortable seats, with tables and large windows. Also, the train ride includes a musical show of the drama ‘Ollantay’ on board. The staff in charge offers snacks and drinks for sale.

Questions and answers about the economic tours in Machu Picchu

Know the questions and answers that visitors ask about the tours to Machu Picchu. Do you have doubts? Ask your question to

  • How much does a trip to Machu Picchu cost?
    The 1-day trip to Machu Picchu costs
  • What is the cheapest train to Machu Picchu?
    The local train to Machu Picchu is the most economical service to the Inca citadel. The train can be taken for Peruvian visitors. For foreign tourists, the most economical services are the Expedition trains of Peru Rail and The Voyager of Inca Rail.
  • What is the cheapest way to get a guide in Machu Picchu?
    Group tour guides are the most economical services. The opposite is the private tour guide service, which accompanies the visitor and his group of friends, couples, and family.
  • What is included in the Machu Picchu 2-day economic tour?
    The Machu Picchu 2 days economic tour includes hotel pick up, tourist transportation to Hidroeléctrica (round trip), meals, 1-night hotel accommodation in Aguas Calientes, tourist bus to Machu Picchu (round trip), entrance to Machu Picchu and professional tour guide service.
  • What is included in the Machu Picchu Expedition Full Day Train Tour?
    The Machu Picchu 1 day Expedition train tour includes pick up from your hotel in Cusco, tourist transportation to the station (round trip), Bimodal bus to Ollantaytambo station (round trip), Expedition train ride (round trip), Consettur bus to Machu Picchu (round trip), Machupicchu Solo entrance and professional tour guide service.
  • What is included in the Machu Picchu tour by train The Voyager Full Day?
    The tour of Machu Picchu 1 day by train The Voyager includes pick up from the hotel in Cusco, tourist transportation to the station (round trip), a Bimodal bus to Ollantaytambo station (round trip), a trip by train The Voyager (round trip), Consettur bus to Machu Picchu (round trip), entrance Machu Picchu Solo and professional tour guide service.
  • What is the cheapest hotel on the trip to Machu Picchu?
    In the town of Aguas Calientes (Machupicchu town), there are inexpensive hostels whose price per night is between 15 to 30 dollars.
  • What is the cheapest restaurant on the trip to Machu Picchu Picchu?
    In the town of Aguas Calientes (Machupicchu town), you will find the town’s food market. Lunch (full menu) is offered on the second floor for about 3 dollars.