Download the digital book ‘Cusco and Machu Picchu Complete Guide’ for free

Machu Picchu is one of the best tourist destinations in the world. The visit can be done on your own or with a tour agency in an all-inclusive tour. In any case, the visitor must be well informed about the history, the main tourist attractions, the tourist route, prices and more. In ‘Cusco and Machu Picchu Complete Guide’, you can get all the information you need, as well as some tips to live one of the best vacations of your life. It’s free!

Machupicchu book

The book is only available in Spanish.

What to see in the book?

The digital book ‘Cusco and Machu Picchu Complete Guide’ includes 317 full-color pages full of information in free PDF format for all people interested in making the dream trip to Peru. The book consists of 7 chapters where the main tourist attractions of the Cusco region are explored: 1) Cusco, 2) The Sacred Valley of the Incas, 3) Machu Picchu, 4) 7 Colors Mountain, 5) The South Valley of Cusco, 6) The Humantay Lagoon and 7) Other tourist attractions of Cusco.

  • Chapter 1: Cusco

    The city of Cusco is the capital of the vast Inca empire. It was also one of the most important cities in colonial times. Today it has excellent historical tourist attractions such as the Cathedral, the Coricancha, Sacsayhuaman, Qenqo, Pucapucara, Tambomachay, as well as many museums with very valuable pieces.

  • Chapter 2: The Sacred Valley of the Incas

    The Sacred Valley of the Incas is a natural area full of history, beautiful landscapes and historical activities. Its most important areas are the towns and archaeological sites of Pisac, Ollantaytambo, Chinchero, as well as the circular terraces of Moray and the salt mines of Maras. There are important restaurants, hotels and other tourist services of great quality.

  • Chapter 3: Machu Picchu

    Machu Picchu is one of the main tourist attractions not only in Peru or South America, but in the world. It was built by orders of Emperor Pachacutec in 1450 AD, as a religious center, rest house and reference point with the eastern domains in the Tahuantinsuyo. Today it offers more than 150 stone constructions, hiking trails, formidable landscapes and a history worth knowing at least once in a lifetime.

  • Chapter 4: 7 Colors Mountain

    The 7 Colors Mountain or Vinicunca is the second most important tourist attraction in Cusco, after Machu Picchu of course. It is located at the highest point of Cusco, at an altitude of 5,200 meters above sea level. Its natural beauty lies in its slopes of varied colors and shades due to the proliferation of minerals in the soil. To get there you must complete a final hike of a little more than 2 kilometers through a geography that is a challenge for any visitor.

  • Chapter 5: The Southern Valley of Cusco

    The South Valley of Cusco is a geographical area southeast of the city of Cusco that has important archaeological remains, which give the origin of the Incas from the highlands neighboring Lake Titicaca. Archaeological sites such as Tipon and Piquillacta stand out, the latter of Wari origin, before the arrival of the Incas to the Cusco valley. The South Valley also has colonial churches, Inca bridges and towns with a lot of history and tradition.

  • Chapter 6: The Humantay Lagoon

    The Humantay Lake is one of the most beautiful landscapes of Cusco and Peru. It is located at the foot of the snow-capped mountain of the same name at an altitude of 4,200 meters above sea level. It has a special beauty of turquoise water and high snowy neighboring the famous Salkantay, considered sacred by the Incas. To get there you must complete a last stretch of almost 2 kilometers uphill roads that are a challenge for any visitor.

  • Chapter 7: Other tourist attractions in Cusco

    Cusco is one of the most touristic regions of Peru and South America. While the most famous tourist attractions are Machu Picchu, the Sacred Valley, the 7 Colors Mountain or the Humantay, there are other little known attractions of great beauty such as Choquequirao, Three Golden Crosses (the most beautiful sunrise in the world), Waqrapukara (Inca fortress), Inkilltambo, the Inca bridge of Queswachaka and more places highly recommended to be explored by the visitor.

The mountains of Machu Picchu: short trekking routes

Machu Picchu is not only its archaeological site where beautiful and historic stone constructions stand out. It also offers hiking trails to the high mountains surrounding the Inca citadel. From each peak, you can appreciate Machu Picchu from a different panoramic perspective. For many, they complement the historical visit with incredible memorable adventures. The book ‘Cusco and Machu Picchu Complete Guide’ allows you to learn more about these hikes in the Wonder of the World.

  • Huayna Picchu Mountain

    Huayna Picchu is the most famous mountain in Machu Picchu. It consists of stone paths, mainly by stairs, until reaching an altitude of 2,693 meters above sea level. There are difficult stretches and other easy ones, but the entrance to its paths is allowed only for visitors over 12 years old. From the top you have a panoramic view not only of the archaeological site, but of the entire geographical environment that surrounds it.

  • Machu Picchu Mountain

    The Machu Picchu mountain is the highest peak in the Inca citadel, as it is located at an altitude of 3,082 meters above sea level. From its summit you have beautiful views, the most panoramic of the whole place. But first you have to walk more than 2 kilometers along wide, safe but arduous trails. Visitors of all ages are allowed to enter. On the way you can enjoy the sound of birds, beautiful orchids and formidable landscapes.

  • Huchuy Picchu Mountain

    Huchuy Picchu is a word of Quechua origin that means ‘small mountain’ because its roads are very short and the summit is only 2,497 meters above sea level. The route is by stone stairs built by the Incas that cover a distance of less than 1 kilometer. From the top you have a privileged view of the Inca archaeological site. The route is suitable for all people and the whole family.

Questions and answers about the tourist attractions of Cusco and Machu Picchu

Cusco has many tourist attractions to visit. Of course the best destination of all is Machu Picchu, considered one of the 7 wonders of the modern world. But Cusco offers much more, incredible destinations such as: the Sacred Valley of the Incas, the South Valley, the Humantay Lagoon, the 7 colors mountain and more.

  • What is the most visited tourist attraction in Cusco?

    Machu Picchu is undoubtedly Cusco’s most famous tourist attraction. However, the most visited archaeological site in the region is Sacsayhuaman, which has greater availability of visits per day (Machu Picchu has limited admission).

  • What are the circuits in Machu Picchu?

    Machu Picchu has four circuits available: circuit 1 (partial complete), circuit 2 (complete), circuit 3 (partial lower part) and circuit 4 (complete lower part).

  • How to buy a ticket to Machu Picchu?

    You can purchase a ticket to Machu Picchu through the official website of the Peruvian Ministry of Culture. The other option is to do it through the website of an authorized tourist agency. You can also do it in person in the city of Cusco, although this option is not recommended due to the limited availability of tickets.

  • How to get the best photo in Machu Picchu?

    The best photo in Machu Picchu is obtained from the sector of the Guardian’s House. The visit to this point is done with circuit 1 or circuit 2, included in two types of tickets a) Machu Picchu Solo ticket or b) Machu Picchu + Inca Bridge ticket.

  • What is the best tourist destination in the Sacred Valley of the Incas?

    The Sacred Valley of the Incas has important tourist destinations with a lot of history, culture and beautiful landscapes. The most famous are Pisac, Chinchero, Ollantaytambo, Moray and the salt mines of Maras.

  • What is the best museum in Cusco?

    The Inka Museum is considered the best in Cusco. It is located a few steps from the main square of the city. The entrance ticket costs 10 soles for Peruvians and 20 soles for foreigners.

  • When is a good time to visit Cusco?

    Cusco can be visited all year round. However, for many the best time is between May and September when there is less rainfall.

  • What to bring on my trip to Cusco?

    If you visit Cusco do not forget to bring a hat or cap, sunscreen, light clothing for the day, but warm clothes for the night, mosquito repellent, rain poncho, windbreaker and a backpack for hiking.

  • Is it dangerous to visit Cusco?

    No, Cusco is one of the safest regions in Peru, especially in the historic center of the city.

  • What is the best hiking route in Cusco?

    The Inca Trail to Machu Picchu 4 days is considered the best trekking route in Cusco and one of the best in the world. This hike covers 40 kilometers to Machu Picchu, just as the Incas did, through the Sun Gate (Intipunku).